As a New York Medium, I offer readings that help you connect with your loved ones and work on specific issues or problems. new york medium
If it’s a family reunion you want, or if you wish to hear messages from your passed over loved ones, schedule an appointment with me to help you connect with The World of Spirit. new york medium
During a 45 – minute mediumistic readings, I will connect with your loved ones to bring you messages of love, promise or comfort, as well as answer the questions you’ve prepared. Of course, I don’t promise which of your loved ones will come through. It is not up to me (or you, for that matter). Usually, spirit decides from whom you need to hear most. One thing I can promise you, there is always someone waiting to talk to you. Normally, there is one or more people in Spirit who will relay information to you through the channel of a medium. NY medium
If you wish, you may bring an object that belonged to a specific loved one from whom you wish to hear. I will always try to channel that person first. Finally, don’t be surprised, if someone unexpected comes through. The World Of Spirit is full of surprises. NY medium
Should you need to resolve a detailed issue or know have Spirit shine the light on a specific situation, then book a Tarot Card Consultation. During the consultation, you will choose the cards that will illuminate the situation – show you the matter from different angels, clarify needed actions and present possible outcomes. The Spirit (which is what drives the synchronicity of the cards’ layout) helps you overcome obstacles and shows you the path to your desired outcome.
Of course, you can always have both readings in one appointment, should you have the time or desire to do so. NY medium
All of my readings are very affordable and are conducted in total privacy.
Readings are conducted via Skype or in person by appointment only.
Please choose the type of reading you prefer and schedule below.